
Miraplacid PostScript Driver Advanced Settings window:

Miraplacid PostScript Driver Administrator

With Advanced Settings software, you can perform the following PostScript Driver system tasks:

Log File generation

Control the process of log file generation, its content and send logged problem to Miraplacid Support - Log File section. With Generation dropdown, you may control verbosity of log file or disable it at all. Location textbox contains log file current location, which can be changed. If log file currently exists, you may delete it with Clear button or send it to Miraplacid Support with Send button.
To send error report to Miraplacid, you need to do the following:
  1. Switch Generation control to "All messages". Send settings and close Administrator software.
  2. Print to PostScript Driver a print job which causes your problem.
  3. Launch Administrator software and press Send button.
  4. Add your comments and send email.
After that, you may delete a report with Clear button and change Generation to "Disable".

Driver Settings

Content manipulation settings for virtual PostScript printers of Miraplacid PostScript Driver family.
With Manage button, you may launch setup software to add/remove virtual printers.
PostScript Events section allows to set up your own content which sould be inserted into PostScript print job before, after of instead of various PostScript commands.

PS Command Description
BEGINSTREAM Before the printer driver sends the first byte of the data stream.
PSADOBE Before the printer driver sends %!PS-Adobe to the data stream.
PAGESATEND When the printer driver is ready to insert %%Pages:(atend) into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%Pages:(atend) comment.
PAGES When the printer driver is ready to insert %%Pages:nnn into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%Pages:nnn comment.
DOCNEEDEDRES After the printer driver sends %%DocumentNeededResources: to the data stream, along with resource information. If the this command method sends resource information, it is appended to the stream after the driver's resource information. Entry format is as follows:
DOCSUPPLIEDRES After the printer driver sends %%DocumentSuppliedResources: to the data stream, along with resource information. If the this command method sends resource information, it is appended to the stream after the driver's resource information. Entry format is as follows:
PAGEORDER When the printer driver is ready to insert %%PageOrder: into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%PageOrder: comment.
ORIENTATION When the printer driver is ready to insert %%Orientation: into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%Orientation: comment.
BOUNDINGBOX When the printer driver is ready to insert %%PageBoundingBox: into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%PageBoundingBox: comment.
DOCUMENTPROCESSCOLORS When the printer driver is ready to insert %%DocumentProcessColors:color into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%DocumentProcessColors:color comment.
COMMENTS Before the printer driver sends %%EndComments to the data stream.
BEGINDEFAULTS After the printer driver sends %%BeginDefaults to the data stream.
ENDDEFAULTS Before the printer driver sends %%EndDefaults to the data stream.
BEGINPROLOG After the printer driver sends %%BeginProlog to the data stream.
ENDPROLOG Before the printer driver sends %%EndProlog to the data stream.
BEGINSETUP After the printer driver sends %%BeginSetup to the data stream.
ENDSETUP Before the printer driver sends %%EndSetup to the data stream.
TRAILER After the printer driver sends %%Trailer to the data stream.
EOF After the printer driver sends %%EOF to the data stream.
ENDSTREAM After the printer driver sends the last byte of the data stream.
DOCUMENTPROCESSCOLORSATEND When the printer driver is ready to insert %%DocumentProcessColors:(atend) into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%DocumentProcessColors:(atend) comment.
PAGENUMBER When the printer driver is ready to insert %%Page: into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%Page: comment.
BEGINPAGESETUP After the printer driver sends %%BeginPageSetup to the data stream.
ENDPAGESETUP Before the printer driver sends %%EndPageSetup to the data stream.
PAGETRAILER After the printer driver sends %%PageTrailer to the data stream.
PLATECOLOR When the printer driver is ready to insert %%PlateColor:color into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%PlateColor:color comment.
SHOWPAGE Before the printer driver sends a showpage command.
PAGEBBOX When the printer driver is ready to insert %%PageBoundingBox: into the data stream. Data supplied by this command replaces the driver's %%PageBoundingBox: comment.
ENDPAGECOMMENTS Before the printer driver sends %%EndPageComments to the data stream.
VMSAVE Before the printer driver sends a save command.
VMRESTORE After the printer driver sends a restore command. (This command must resend all resources it sent after the last VMSAVE, if the resources are going to be reused.)

See also: