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License Manager

Miraplacid Publisher License Manager window:

Miraplacid Publisher License Manager

With License Manager, you can allow or disallow users to use Miraplacid Publisher on the server through Terminal Server window.
  1. Make sure Miraplacid Publisher 2012 is installed on the server
  2. Start License Manager. It will open Miraplacid Publisher Manager dialog.
  3. Select users you would like to allow using Miraplacid Publisher on the server in the left listbox and push "Add" button.
  4. Select users you would like to disallow using Miraplacid Publisher on the server in the right listbox and push "Del" button.
If you have unlimited license Publisher, you will be able to add special user Everyone to allow all users to have access to Publisher.
If you will leave list of selected users empty, nobody will be allowed to use Publisher.
You cannot have in "Selected users" more users than you have licenses.

Note, that License Server manages only licenses of terminal server Miraplacid Publisher. Users might have stand-alone version of Miraplacid Publisher installed on his PC. They will not be affected.

See also:

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