Preview Window
When you print to Miraplacid Publisher, Preview window pops up (unless you turn it off in
System Settings).
As soon as first page of the document get printed, you will see the first page picture in the preview window.
You can change
Scaling and Borders or
Colors and Gamma settings and see how it affects your picture.
Preview Window Toolbar
- Save - Save current page. By default, Miraplacid Publisher saves each picture to individual file c:\Document_{{PAGE}} with extension, corresponding
selected graphics format.
To change name or path, please update Output To settings.
- Save All - Save all document pages then Close Print Job. Instead, you can
navigate through pages, push "Save" for each page then push "Done" button described below.
- Done - Close current print job. If there is a next print job waiting in a print queue,
it will show up in the Preview window.
- Settings - Opens Settings dialog
- View Log - View Miraplacid Publisher log (see below)
- Zoom Settings - You can change preview zoom from 25% to 400%. Please, note this is only for preview purposes; this does not affect resulting image.
To scale resulting image, please, use Scaling and Borders settings.
- Navigation - You can browse through printed pages.
Status Bar contains Print Job status, Processing progress indicator, Saving progress indicator, selected graphics format and Output To: selection.
Below is Log Window

You can size the log window by dragging window splitter with mouse.
There is a tiny black vertical arrow in the middle of the splitter. You can click on it to collapse and
restore the log window. Besides, you can close the log window by clicking on
[X] button
on the right side of the log window. If you close the log window, it will wipe out current log information.
See also: