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Miraplacid Publisher : Image Printer Driver


Miraplacid Publisher Programming Manual


Miraplacid Publisher is actually a collection of ActiveX objects which communicate with each other trough well-defined COM interfaces. This model allows us to keep the system highly scalabe and extensible. Every component could be developed independently and base on different technologies as long as it supports COM. All examples provided in this guide are written in VB 6.0 for simplicity.
There are 5 different types of software modules in Publisher:
  • Driver components. These are system dll modules and settings files. This is mandatory part of Publisher.
  • Core component (mp_core.exe). This is the heart of the whole system. It takes data from the driver, keeps it in internal queue and manages all other components - plug-ins and UI.
  • UI (mp_ui.exe). This is User Interface component. This is COM client of Core component; it uses Core methods and receives COM events from Core. UI interacts with Core only; it have no direct access to other components. User Interface module is not required for Publisher Core and Driver, they can work fine without UI.
  • Format plug-ins. Inproc dll COM modules which performs graphics data conversion from internal into particular format. Core component manages these modules.
  • Transport plug-ins. Inproc dll COM modules which allows to save resulting files to some locations. Core component manages these modules.
This manual describes only Core and UI interaction details and registration services.
Transport and Format plug-ins interfaces are still subject of change and will be presented in the next version os SDK.

For simple solutions like scripting support or object creation from VB, please, refer to Scripting manual.

Miraplacid Publisher Object Model

Publisher Core component consists of two COM objects (coclasses):
  • coclass MP (MiraplacidSE.Publisher {C9828C82-2136-4e25-894F-399109583971}). This is the main part of Publisher.
    The folowing interfaces included:
    • IMP (default interface). Includes all methods and properties which control Publisher functionality, including plug-ins.
    • _IMPEvents (default, source interface). This interface is collection of COM events and provided for Core and UI interoperability.
    • Some other internal interfaces which are out of scope of current document. You do not have to learn them to build your system.
  • coclass MP_Register (MiraplacidSE.PublisherRegistrator {235836F3-0079-4067-98B9-7F2E8FFE5876}). This objects includes single interface IMP_Register, which manages registration and verification services.
MP_Register object will be always created and its interface will allow calling program to verify Publisher registration status and to register Publisher. MP object will not be created successfully if trial period is expired. Unlimited version of SDK does not contain MP_Register coclass and object MP will be created always.

For C++ users: Number means long and String means BSTR in this guide.
Do not forget to add get_ (read) and put_ (write) prefixes for properties.

Miraplacid Publisher IMP Object Reference

This is a main Publisher interface. Its IID is {60FDE45D-BB59-4789-AEA4-80632F03B926}.

Property Type Description
Value VARIANT (String Name) (Read / Write) All the Miraplacid Publsher Properties. This is Default Property. Meaning, it could be referred as obj("property_name") as well as obj.Value("property_name")
All the parameters are listed below.
Configurations String Collection (Read Only) List of all saved profiles, including "Defualt".
Configuration String (Read / Write) Name of the currently selected profile
FormatPluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed format plug-ins (BMP, JPG and so on)
Format String (Read / Write) Selected Format Plug-in name
FormatParam VARIANT (String ParameterName) (Read / Write) Format Plug-in Parameters
All the parameters for all plug-ins are listed below.
TransportPluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed transport plug-ins (File, FTP and so on)
Transport String (Read / Write) Selected Transport Plug-in names. If more than one transport plug-in selected, names shall be comma delimited.
TransportParam VARIANT(String PluginName, String ParameterName) (Read / Write) Transport Plug-in Parameters
All the parameters for all plug-ins are listed below.
DocumentName String (Read Only) Original name of the printed document
ReadyPages Number (Read Only) Amount of pages ready to process
TotalPages Number (Read Only) total estimated amount of pages in the current print job
JobStatus Number (Read Only) 0 - Created, 0001b - Opened, 0010b - Printed, 0100b - RequestedPagePrepared, 1000b - Aborted
AutoSend Number (Read / Write) 0 - interactive mode; 1 - Process and Auto-send to the specified destinations
PrinterName String (Read Only) Name of Miraplacid Publisher printer to use for switching to Publisher in scripts
AutoSendFromUI (hidden) Number (Write only) 0 - interactive mode; 1 - Process and Auto-send to the specified destinations.
This property is intended for use from UI. Regular property AutoSend causes core to unload UI. AutoSendFromUI does not lead UI unloading.
ValueNoRedraw (hidden) VARIANT (String Name) (Write Only) Does the same as Value except that ValueNoRedraw does not force image re-processing after changing value.
To prevent processing overhead when you need to change several parameters at once, you may use ValueNoRedraw to set all parameters exacept the last, and Value for last parameter to let Core re-process the page once with cumulative changes.
UILoaded (hidden) Number (Read / Write) 0 - UI not loaded; 1 - UI loaded.
UI should set this value when it loaded and initialized and clear (set to 0) on unload.
Method Parameters Description
CancelJob None Cancel current Print Job
CancelAllJobs None Cancel Publisher's internal print queue and spooler queue associated with Publisher
SendAll None Send All through selected Transport Plug-Ins
Stop None Unloads plug-ins, get ready for unloading from memory. System will unload Miraplacid Publisher core form memory with 2-5 seconds delay. We recommend you to add this method call at the end of each script.
SaveConfiguration String Save Current Configuration under specified name
DeleteConfiguration String Delete Configuration with specified name
PreparePage (hidden) Number UI should call this method to force Core prepare page (load, make processing according current settings) for displaying to user.
Parameter mean number of page to prepare, staring from 1. Core will return immediately and provide the page with OnPageReady event.
SendPage (hidden) None This method allows UI to save particular page. The page must be previously prepared with PreparePage method.

Miraplacid Publisher Properties Reference

All these properties accessible via default "Value" property:
obj.Value("scalewidth") = 1024
or just
obj("scalewidth") = 1024
In C language, this will be:
_bstr_t pname;

Property Type Description
scalewidth Number scale size
scaleheight Number scale size
scalemode Number scaling algorithm
scalepercent Number 0 - scale size in pixels, 1 - scale size in percents
scaleconstrain Number 1 - constrain scaling proportions, 0 - not
borderwidth Number leave that many pixels space left and right from the detected area (auto-detect mode only)
borderheight Number leave that many pixels space top and bottom from the detected area (auto-detect mode only)
bordertype Number 0 - No, 1 - Auto-detect, 2 - Manual
borderleft Number in Manual Mode - set left border for clipping
borderright Number in Manual Mode - set right border for clipping
bordertop Number in Manual Mode - set top border for clipping
borderbottom Number in Manual Mode - set bottom border for clipping
fliph Number flip image vertical
flipv Number flip image horizontal
gamma Number gamma (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
saturation Number saturation (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
value Number value (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
hue Number hue (0 .. 359, 179 is default)
grayscale Number 0 - color, 1 - force grayscale
invert Number invert image colors
originalname Number do not replace {{PAGE}} with page number for the first page

Miraplacid Publisher Output Format (Format plug-ins) parameters

To query or modify Format plug-in parameters, use FormatParam property of Miraplacid Publisher object.

Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 1 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
quality Number Output Format. 0 = 100% quality, 1 = 95% quality and so on. 18 = 10% quality.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = single PDF per page. 1 = multipage PDF (recommended)
quality Number (Read / Write) Output Format. 0 = 100% quality, 1 = 95% quality and so on. 18 = 10% quality.
title String PDF document Title
creator String PDF document Creator
author String PDF document Author
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 1 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
compression Number 0 = No Compression. 1 = Default Compression. 2 = Fast Compression. 3 = Best Compression (recommended)
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (ARGB) 32 bit per pixel. 1 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 2 = Color (RGB) 16 bit per pixel. 3 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode, single TIFF file per page. 1 = multipage mode (multi-page TIFF will be created)
output Number Output Format. 0 = CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 1 = CCITT Group 3 fax encoding 2 = CCITT Group 3 (Modified Huffman) 3 = 24 bit RGB (no compression) 4 = 24 bit RGB (packbits) 5 = Grayscale (no compression) 6 = Grayscale 7 = Black/White (no compression) 8 = Black/White

Miraplacid Publisher Send To (Transport plug-ins) parameters

To query or modify Transport plug-in parameters, use TransportParam property of Miraplacid Publisher object.

Property Type Description
path String Destination File Path. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
filename String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
setfilename Number Set it to 1 if you wish to specify filename. Set it to 0 if you Miraplacid Publisher to use original document name as a file name.
open Number Opens result image file with post-processor.
everypage Number 0 = call post-processor once per document. 1 = call post-processor for each saved image. Ignored if open=0.
hide Number 0 = show post-processor window. 1 = hide post-processor window. Ignored if open=0.
exec String Post-processor filename with full path. Ignored if open=0.
param String additional parameters for post-processor. Ignored if open=0.
Property Type Description
url String Destination FTP directory URL.
file String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
passive Number 0 = FTP passive mode OFF. 1 = FTP passive mode ON.
user String FTP server username.
password String FTP server password.
Property Type Description
url String Destination HTTP URL.
file String Destination File Name.
put Number 0 = use POST method. 1 = use PUT method.
user String username.
password String password.
Property Type Description
printer Number Printer number. Depends on printers installed in your system. Please start Miraplacid Publisher and check Printer drop-down for Send To: Printer. Default printer will have index 0, others will have further numbers, as shown in drop-down box.
fit Number 0 = Print page as-is. 1 - Fit image to printer page.

Miraplacid Publisher _IMPEvents Events Reference.

This is connection point interface which UI uses to catch printing events from Core component. Its IID is {BCDAF6C5-8CA2-4eea-A299-45F0FE0365F5}.

Event Parameters Description
OnStartJob None Called when Core receives start job signal from driver.
OnPagePrinted Number Called when Core receives next job from driver with page number as a parameter.
OnAllPagesPrinted None Called when Core receives end job signal from driver.
OnPageReady String Called when Core prepared a page for displaying in responce to PreparePage method call. String parameter is a name of Windows FileMapping object which contains ready-to-display Windows bitmap.
UI may use this object as a memory object with OpenFileMapping/MapViewOfFile API calls.
OnCancelJob None Called when Core finishes all activity with current job as an acknowledge for CancelJob call from UI or after SendAll process end.
OnRewindJob None Called instead of OnCancelJob when SendAll finished with errors.
OnUnload None Called when AutoSend property is set to true. UI should unload upon receiving this event.
OnProgress String source, Number page, Number value Called when some lengthy process is taking place. Source could be a name of transport plug-in - in this case it reflects sending progress for this particular plug-in; or special value "process" which reflects the state of image processing. Page is a number of page currently in progress, and value is the value of progress indicator (0 - 100).
OnError Number code, String message Called when some error is happened. Message is textual representation of the error. There are the folowing codes could be passed to this event:
  • General errors - code = 1
  • If Value is wrong - code = 0x400
  • Name errors: configuration, unknown transport or format selected - code = 0x600
  • Range 0x100 - 0x1ff has a special meaning - these are transport plug-in errors. Source transport plug-in may be located by its index which is equal to error_code - 0x100; these errors may happen only during saving procedure.

Miraplacid Publisher IMP_Register Object Reference.

When evaluation period is expired, object of the main interface (IMP) will not be created successfully. Application should use IMP_Register interface to register Publisher. Its IID is {90D08213-5B6D-4103-96A7-297AA8EC4DEB}.
Example of registration utility is located at examples\register folder at this package. It is written in VB.

Property Type Description
Valid Number May be used to examine current evaluation state. Has the following values:
  • <=0 - Internal error happened in verification code. This could be caused by corrupted .key file, wrong permissions of .key file, etc.
  • 1 - Publisher is registered.
  • 2 - Publisher is unregistered but trial period is not expired.
  • 3 - Trial periond is expired.
Method Parameters Returns Description
SetLicense String FirtsName, String LastName, String Keycode Number This method is intended for registering Publisher. Application must provide FirstName, LastName and Keycode generated by Miraplacid to this method. Resulting value is 1 if registration succeeded, 0 if not. After 3 unsuccessful registration attempts this method will always return CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED and will not actually try to register. Application should re-create the object to continue registering.
LoadUI None None Method LoadUI allows application to force loading UI which will ask user for registration information. This could be done if Valid property returns 2 or 3.

Miraplacid Publisher UI working scheme.

You can see a live custom UI example in examples\customui folder of SDK package.
It is written in VB. Since it is just an example, it does not display pictures and does not let you to change settings and profiles.
  1. UI is launched by Core when it receives a new job and AutoSend property is in false state or by user when he clicks on Publisher icon on Desktop or Programs folder.
  2. UI loads MP object and obtains IMP interface pointer.
  3. UI establishes a connection with Core and loads configuration (by reading properties). After initialization steps (when it will be ready to receive events), UI must set UILoaded property to 1 (true). Core will wait this for 60 seconds; if UI will not register with this property, Core will continue without UI.
Further steps (4 - 6) make an event-driven loop.
  1. OnStartJob: On this event UI may read document name and examine print job status. Job may already be completed (printed) if next job was printed on background before finalizing previous one.
  2. OnPagePrinted: If the job was already completed, this event will not be generated. On this event, its possible to ask for a page by calling PreparePage method.
    Calling this method will force Core to start processing of the page. It makes sense to ask only for page which is currently displayed.
  3. OnAllPagesPrinted: This is informational event which allows UI to update its internal state (and interface elements like SaveAll button).
  4. OnPageReady: Core sends this event if UI asked for a page and it is ready for displaying. UI may read the picture and display it.
The following stage is interactive job with end user.
  1. User can change settings. Appropriate Core properties must be set by UI. During this process, OnError event might be raised in response to incorrect property change.
  2. User can change configurations, create new configurations and delete existing (except Default). When User Interface changes configuration, it shall reload all settings.
  3. User can save current page. UI shall call SendPage method.
  4. User may want to save all pages. UI shall call SendAllPages method. In response to this call, Core will notify UI by raising OnCancelJob event when job is done. On this event, UI must get ready for the next job. If some transports fail, Core raises OnRewindJob event (but does not cancels the job). On this event UI can rewind the job to the first page, show some (additional) error message, etc.
  5. User can cancel the job. UI must call CancelJob method. In response, Core generates OnCancelJob event.
  6. Special case is AutoSend property. UI should call AutoSendFromUI instead of AutoSend property. When AutoSend is set to 1, Core will raise OnUnload event to tell UI that all further processing will be performed automatically and without UI. AutoSendFromUI property does not generate OnUnload event. AutoSend property should be used from scripts to make sure that all processing will be performed as fast as possible and completely in the background. If your UI ignores OnUnload event (does not unload itself), there is no difference between AutoSend and AutopSendFromUI for it.

See also:

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