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Miraplacid Publisher : Image Printer Driver


Scripting and Programming Support with Miraplacid Publisher


Miraplacid Publisher registers itself as an ActiveX object and could be used from any scripting and OLE-compliant software.
Using this ability, you can control the printing process directly from your script or application.

Miraplacid Publisher Scripting Object Creation

To create component, use following constructions
  • JScript: var obj = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.Publisher");
  • VBScript: set obj = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.Publisher")
  • Visual Basic: Set obj = CreateObject("Miraplacid.Publisher")
    To enable early binding, you have to check "Miraplacid Publisher Type Library" in "Project References" dialog and insert the following code:
    Dim m As MP
    Set m = New MP
Miraplacid Publisher loads Default configuration on start. So, when scripting, you may set up only needed values.

Miraplacid Publisher Object Reference

Property Type Description
Value VARIANT (String Name) (Read / Write) All the Miraplacid Publsher Properties. This is Default Property. Meaning, it could be referred as obj("property_name") as well as obj.Value("property_name")
All the parameters are listed below.
Configurations String Collection (Read Only) List of all saved profiles, including "Defualt".
Configuration String (Read / Write) Name of the currently selected profile
FormatPluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed format plug-ins (BMP, JPG and so on)
Format String (Read / Write) Selected Format Plug-in name
FormatParam VARIANT (String ParameterName) (Read / Write) Format Plug-in Parameters
All the parameters for all plug-ins are listed below.
TransportPluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed transport plug-ins (File, FTP and so on)
Transport String (Read / Write) Selected Transport Plug-in names. If more than one transport plug-in selected, names shall be comma delimited.
TransportParam VARIANT(String PluginName, String ParameterName) (Read / Write) Transport Plug-in Parameters
All the parameters for all plug-ins are listed below.
DocumentName String (Read Only) Original name of the printed document
ReadyPages Number (Read Only) Amount of pages ready to process
TotalPages Number (Read Only) total estimated amount of pages in current print job
JobStatus Number (Read Only) 0 - Created, 0001b - Opened, 0010b - Printed, 0100b - RequestedPagePrepared, 1000b - Aborted
AutoSend Number (Read / Write) 0 - interactive mode; 1 - Process and Auto-send to the specified destinations
PrinterName String (Read Only) Name of Miraplacid Publisher printer to use for switching to Publisher in scripts
Method Parameters Description
CancelJob None Cancel current Print Job
CancelAllJobs None Cancel Publisher's internal print queue and spooler queue associated with Publisher
SendAll None Send All through selected Transport Plug-Ins
Stop None Unloads plug-ins, get ready for unloading from memory. System will unload Miraplacid Publisher core form memory with 2-5 seconds delay. We recommend you to add this method call at the end of each script.
SaveConfiguration String Save Current Configuration under specified name
DeleteConfiguration String Delete Configuration with specified name

Miraplacid Publisher Properties Reference

All these properties accessible via default "Value" property:
obj.Value("scalewidth") = 1024
or just
obj("scalewidth") = 1024

Property Type Description
scalewidth Number scale size
scaleheight Number scale size
scalemode Number scaling algorithm
scalepercent Number 0 - scale size in pixels, 1 - scale size in percents
scaleconstrain Number 1 - constrain scaling proportions, 0 - not
borderwidth Number leave that many pixels space left and right from the detected area (auto-detect mode only)
borderheight Number leave that many pixels space top and bottom from the detected area (auto-detect mode only)
bordertype Number 0 - No, 1 - Auto-detect, 2 - Manual
borderleft Number in Manual Mode - set left border for clipping
borderright Number in Manual Mode - set right border for clipping
bordertop Number in Manual Mode - set top border for clipping
borderbottom Number in Manual Mode - set bottom border for clipping
fliph Number flip image vertical
flipv Number flip image horizontal
gamma Number gamma (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
saturation Number saturation (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
value Number value (0 .. 511, 255 is default)
hue Number hue (0 .. 359, 179 is default)
grayscale Number 0 - color, 1 - force grayscale
invert Number invert image colors
originalname Number do not replace {{PAGE}} with page number for the first page

Miraplacid Publisher Output Format (Format plug-ins) parameters

To query or modify Format plug-in parameters, use FormatParam property of Miraplacid Publisher object.

Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 1 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
quality Number Output Format. 0 = 100% quality, 1 = 95% quality and so on. 18 = 10% quality.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = single PDF per page. 1 = multipage PDF (recommended)
quality Number (Read / Write) Output Format. 0 = 100% quality, 1 = 95% quality and so on. 18 = 10% quality.
title String PDF document Title
creator String PDF document Creator
author String PDF document Author
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 1 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
compression Number 0 = No Compression. 1 = Default Compression. 2 = Fast Compression. 3 = Best Compression (recommended)
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode. 1 = multipage mode (All the pages will be glued into a single enormous image.)
output Number Output Format. 0 = Color (ARGB) 32 bit per pixel. 1 = Color (RGB) 24 bit per pixel. 2 = Color (RGB) 16 bit per pixel. 3 = Grayscale 8 bit per pixel.
Property Type Description
multipage Number 0 = regular mode, single TIFF file per page. 1 = multipage mode (multi-page TIFF will be created)
output Number Output Format. 0 = CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. 1 = CCITT Group 3 fax encoding 2 = CCITT Group 3 (Modified Huffman) 3 = 24 bit RGB (no compression) 4 = 24 bit RGB (packbits) 5 = Grayscale (no compression) 6 = Grayscale 7 = Black/White (no compression) 8 = Black/White

Miraplacid Publisher Send To (Transport plug-ins) parameters

To query or modify Transport plug-in parameters, use TransportParam property of Miraplacid Publisher object.

Property Type Description
path String Destination File Path. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
filename String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
setfilename Number Set it to 1 if you wish to specify filename. Set it to 0 if you Miraplacid Publisher to use original document name as a file name.
open Number Opens result image file with post-processor.
everypage Number 0 = call post-processor once per document. 1 = call post-processor for each saved image. Ignored if open=0.
hide Number 0 = show post-processor window. 1 = hide post-processor window. Ignored if open=0.
exec String Post-processor filename with full path. Ignored if open=0.
param String additional parameters for post-processor. Ignored if open=0.
Property Type Description
url String Destination FTP directory URL.
file String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
passive Number 0 = FTP passive mode OFF. 1 = FTP passive mode ON.
user String FTP server username.
password String FTP server password.
Property Type Description
url String Destination HTTP URL.
file String Destination File Name.
put Number 0 = use POST method. 1 = use PUT method.
user String username.
password String password.
Property Type Description
printer Number Printer number. Depends on printers installed in your system. Please start Miraplacid Publisher and check Printer drop-down for Send To: Printer. Default printer will have index 0, others will have further numbers, as shown in drop-down box.
fit Number 0 = Print page as-is. 1 - Fit image to printer page.

Examples Download

Download sample scripts (mpscripts.zip)

Miraplacid Publisher Post-Processing System

You can setup Miraplacid Publisher 5.2 to launch an application to handle the results of image generation process.
Select Send To: File, check "Open with" checkbox and specify post-processor application.
If you check Every page checkbox below, the application will be called for every generated page with a full filename of the generated image as argument. If Every page checkbox is unchecked, Miraplacid Publisher will generate a special list file containing names of files generated during the print job, one filename per line. On a print job completion, post-processor will be called with a name of the list file in a command line.
For example, you can execute img2wp.exe, web presentation generator, using the following settings:

Open With: "c:\Program Files\Miraplacid\Publisher\PostProcessors\img2wp.exe"
Parameters: "c:\Program Files\Miraplacid\Publisher\PostProcessors\template.html"
"Every Page" unchecked.

Quotation marks are necessary when file name or path contains space characters.
Or, you can set up a viewer to open result images for every printed page:

"Every Page" checked

Notice that applications and files you use in post-processing should be specified with full path.

Web Presentation Generator

Web Presentation Generator, img2wp.exe, is a post-processor. It is designed to be called after print job completion.
It generates HTML files with navigation bars containing images, one page per image. For HTML files generation process utilizes template file with following optional pseudo-variables (placeholders):
  • %PREV% - link to the previous page of the presentation
  • %NEXT% - link to the next page of the presentation
  • %NAVIGATION% - navigation bar with links to all the presentation pages
  • %IMAGE% - placeholder to the image on the page
You can build your own templates for your web presentations and use them instead of default template.html.

Web Presentation Generator installed in PostProcessors folder together with default template, template.html.

See also:

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